Thursday, October 6, 2011


It's dark now. I have had my dinner. I'm feeling relaxed or more accurately, like I'd like to relax and then I see it's 9:00! NINE O'CLOCK?! TIC TOC! This triggers an urge to eat, an urge to soothe. Once I see the time, it is like I am Captain Hook and I hear that wretched croc who swallowed the clock ever near me - reminding me to eat, eat, eat, my treat, treat, treat. 

I don't know about you, but I have times and places where my body says - EAT! Even if I am not hungry, it’s not meal time, and it would even be inconvenient to eat right now. I just wanna! Yes, I see I am channeling my inner 5 year old. And the adult part of me likes to pretend I am completely in charge. But sometimes it feels as though, the pattern is stronger than I am.

The journey of mindful eating would call on me to ask “Are you hungry?” “What are you feeling?” “What do you want the food to feed?”  We ask these questions to help us focus in and notice, become mindful of the urges and patterns in our eating. If I am hungry and aware of my hunger, I can choose food that will satisfy my hunger (whole foods, protein, carbs). If by asking these questions, I learn I am sad, I can choose to reach out in a phone call, or just allow the feeling rather than try to stuff it down. If I am wanting the food to feed my anxiety and become aware of that feeling underneath, I can choose to address my anxiety. I can complete the project I am worried about or breathe deeply to release the tension.

This is not to suggest that mindful eating means no treats and no way to silence the TIC TOC. Mindful eating can help us be honest with ourselves and become more conscious of unconscious choices we make. Sometimes we will choose the treat and sometimes we will choose to just notice, just notice what the urge is truly calling us to.

JME Affirmation for the Day
I am aware of my conscious and unconscious calls to food. I choose well for myself as I develop a healthier relationship to food day by day.

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