Today is
Thanksgiving Day! Thanks Giving Day! It seems that our focus is on the food,
the feast and not so much on the giving of thanks on this day. Families (and especially
the cook) plan and dream and prep and bake and steam and roast and serve
gorgeous, wonderful food for us to celebrate with. In my family celebrations it
is turkey, gravy with potatoes, cranberries and banana bread. Oh and don’t
forget the green bean casserole, cheese, lime jello with pears, veggies, crescent
rolls, bread and pie. Well and sometimes several pies with ice cream!
I heard the
other day that the typical American Thanksgiving meal is 4500 calories! 4500
calories! That is almost 3 days worth
of calories in one meal. Mindful eating can help us to enjoy the tasty treats without
gorging ourselves. Mindfully we can choose to have small portions of the foods
we truly love. We can choose to stand away from the nibbles before dinner. We
can choose to have one desert, not three. AND we can choose to refocus on
mindful, healthy eating once the meal is cleaned up and put away. We can remind
ourselves that Thanksgiving dinner is one meal, not the beginning of a 4 week
eating free-for-all until Christmas. And Black Friday does not have to be a day
of mourning for your bulging belly but can be the day you return to focused mindful
does not have to be ALL about the food. We have family to celebrate! Be mindful
of how important these people are in your life. Be kind, be generous, be loving
throughout the day to the people who have been there for you always. My mother
once told me, “Your family will never leave you” and in my life, she has been
right. We stick together. We support, sometimes from afar, but support is
always there. So for today, I will celebrate my family. I will pay close attention
to their stories and jokes. I will be interested in their life’s adventures. I
will be fully present with them during our celebration. I will shift my focus
to my loved ones when the focus on food gets overwhelming. And I will breathe
in deep the sense of gratitude I have for them in my life.
My Gratitude
List for Today:
I am grateful for all
the wonderful people in my life.
I am grateful for my
work which gives meaning to my life.
I am grateful for the
changing seasons which keep me aware that change is constant in life.
I am grateful for my
physical body which continues to be resilient and strong.
I am grateful for the
hundreds of people in my life who show me the way.
I am grateful for the bounty
of healthy, delicious food available to me.
I am grateful for my
warm and comfortable home.
I am grateful for my
sweet dog Gracie who teaches me about exuberance.
I am grateful for
breath, as it brings me back to the present moment.
I am grateful for each
new day.
May your day be filled
with family, friends, fun and frolic and oh, yea food.
Affirmation for the Day
I am grateful for my
life – This Life. The more grateful I am, the more I experience health, wealth
and prosperity. I am grateful and life is bountiful.
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